We are transforming how you manage and transact real estate assets by providing deep insights on a single and intuitive platform.

Our effort is to organize and integrate real estate data for anybody to verify, manage and make compiled decision. The comprehensive asset management platform is built out of the passion to create un-conflicted transaction environment.

Props{AMC} is founded by a team with deep knowledge in real estate and technology who have first-hand experienced the challenges of transparency of real estate sector in India.

With us you can get superior access, saving time for your agents, or increasing your ROI.


Client Assets

$1.5 Bn

Property AUM

2 Mn

Property Sqft


Services Delivered


Data Search

Our Approach

The Team brings dedication, enthusiasm and willingness to challenge themselves on continuous basis in a sector which is the most valuable yet most opaque

Every data input and sequencing matters to build a formidable platform which can enable integration and co-learning environment.

Every team member is committed to make the real estate asset - the most transparent, organised, intuitive and accurate.

Manage, Monitor & Market your property portfolio on a single intuitive dashboard

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